How To Get Rid of Gas: 4 Natural Remedies
Many people experience bloating and gas, and these symptoms can be uncomfortably persistent. Gas occurs for many reasons, but when your symptoms seem to pop up more often than you’d like, you want relief.
Understanding how to reduce gas naturally can help you enjoy your meals and daily life with less discomfort and better digestive health. Let's get into how you can reduce excess gas and begin feeling better.
How Can You Reduce Gas Naturally?
If you often experience constipation, burping, or abdominal pain, you may have built-up gas. Gas in the digestive tract may not bother you for a day, but when your symptoms persist, it can become bothersome.
Many people try over-the-counter solutions to find relief from their gas symptoms and get some help making bowel movements more regular. Still, over-the-counter meds are not the only option available — there are several methods and home remedies you can try to reduce uncomfortable gas.
1. Choose Non-Carbonated Drinks
Do you tend to drink carbonated beverages often? Even if you've switched from sodas to sparkling water, the carbonation can irritate your digestive system. Carbonated beverages have gas in them because of carbon dioxide — after you drink a carbonated drink and the liquid warms to body temperature in your stomach, the carbon dioxide becomes trapped gas. This can cause your stomach to bloat, as it expands from the gas inside.
The good news is that you may not have to cut out carbonated beverages and sparkling water entirely — you can try to limit your consumption and see if your symptoms improve. Even better, swap out some of your carbonated drinks for GI-friendly teas like peppermint, ginger, or chamomile.
2. Probiotics
You may have heard that probiotic supplements can help support your gut health, but it's important to remember that not all probiotics are the same.
Different strains of probiotics have different functions in the gut, and not every strain provides relief from gas and bloating for every person. It's important to opt for clinically-studied strains that support gas relief specifically.
One probiotic supplement that offers digestive support for occassional gas and bloating is Lemme Debloat. Lemme Debloat contains two clinically-studied probiotic strains that can help bring relief from occasional gas and mild digestive discomfort you may experience after eating.
Probiotic supplements contain good bacteria that help support balance in your large intestine's flora, which is the ecosystem of good and bad microorganisms naturally present in your gut. When your gut contains enough beneficial bacteria, it helps to combat bad bacteria and support better digestion and overall wellness.
3. Light Exercise
If you're feeling bloated or gassy, you may feel like curling up to wait out the discomfort. However, getting your body moving can can help naturally move the gas out of your body. You don't have to run a marathon to relieve gas, but light exercise can encourage better digestion.
Here are a few more exercise ideas to promote the digestive process:
- Take a stroll after eating. Moving around after eating can help encourage your food to digest well, and a gentle walk can help you digest without causing further discomfort.
- Practice light yoga. Certain yoga poses can help relieve gas pain by stretching your body and aiding digestion.
- Practice stretching. If you're struggling with abdominal gas pain, stretching can help reduce discomfort and expel gas.
4. Dietary Adjustments
Sometimes, your dietary habits can cause or contribute to discomfort in your digestive system. If you suspect you may have a food intolerance, try recording a food diary to track what you eat and how it makes you feel. Here are a few food components that may cause gas:
Simple Carbohydrates
Do you often eat food with carbohydrates? Carbohydrates are a macronutrient that includes starches, sugar, and fiber. When you eat carbohydrates, some of them may not be digested or wholly absorbed by your small intestine. Simple carbohydrates, like potatoes and wheat, are known to cause gas as your body breaks them down.
This process of digesting carbohydrates produces hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and sometimes methane gasses. You then pass methane gasses through flatulence.
If you have a food intolerance to gluten, your body may react after eating it. Gluten intolerance symptoms include bloating, nausea, and gas.
Here are a few more signs of gluten sensitivity:
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Brain fog
- Acne
- Joint pain
A Deeper Dive Into What Causes Gas
Carbohydrates, carbonation, and gluten aren't the only possible causes of gas. In addition to food intolerances, several other culprits can cause you to experience bloating from excess gas.
For one, if you have a medical condition such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you may experience many uncomfortable symptoms relating to digestion. Although the causes of this medical condition are not always clear, it may be a reason you experience intestinal gas, diarrhea, bloating, or nausea on a regular basis.
Some causes of excess gas are less predictable. For instance, did you know that some sugar substitutes, such as sorbitol, can increase bloating? Additionally, chewing gum can cause you to take in more air and experience gas as a result.
Let's keep exploring some of the foods behind bloating.
High-Fiber Foods
Fiber is essential for your diet. It helps reduce constipation and regulate bowel movements. Additionally, getting the right amount of fiber in your diet can help control blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Unfortunately, even though eating food with high fiber can have many benefits, it can cause abdominal bloating and gas.
Here is a list of high-fiber foods commonly associated with excess gas:
- Oatmeal
- Bran products
- Beans
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Cabbage
- Pears
- Peaches
- Apples
- Asparagus
- Prunes
If you want to reduce gas, there are several foods you can increase in your diet to help reduce discomfort. Take a look at these fruits and veggies that still offer a good amount of fiber while being just a little easier on the stomach:
- Apricots
- Blackberries
- Blueberries
- Okra
- Cranberries
- Carrots
- Tomatoes
- Green beans
- Grapefruits
Eating Too Quickly
You might think that only the contents of what you eat influence flatulence. However, how you eat may also lead to discomfort and gas pains.
For example, eating too quickly can lead to gas and indigestion as well because you're more likely to swallow air when you eat quickly.
One way to reduce excess gas from eating quickly is to practice mindful eating. Try to chew each bite slowly with your mouth closed as you slow down the whole pace of your meal. You may feel a little impatient at first if you're used to getting through your meal fairly quickly, but eating smaller bites and chewing thoroughly can help you reduce bloating and feel fuller.
Dairy Products
If you have a food intolerance such as lactose intolerance, it may cause you to experience excess gas. Although not everyone struggles with dairy products, around 68% of the world's population struggles to digest dairy properly.
If you haven't previously connected the dots, it may be time to consider whether dairy is the source of your gas pain and discomfort. Keeping a food diary can help you to draw connections to understand whether it's dairy that's bothering you or if it's something else.
If you know you struggle with digesting lactose, some probiotic strains may help provide your gut with the bacteria needed to help tolerate it.
Lemme gummies are vegan, making them a great option if you are sensitive to dairy ingredients.
The Bottom Line
If you're tired of the discomfort that comes with gas, it might be time to take a serious look at the potential causes behind your bloating. Sometimes, you might find the best option is to limit certain foods that cause a reaction.
Plus, adding a high-quality probiotic like Lemme Debloat can help give you the digestive support you need!
Gas in the Digestive Tract - Health Encyclopedia | University of Rochester Medical Center
Taming Belly Bloat | Tufts Health & Nutrition Letter
Gluten Intolerance: Symptoms, Test, Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity | Cleveland Clinic